Thursday, November 1, 2018

Amazing ARB Experience at Crypto World Con (News Update) (+ Security tip)


You guys know that I am a very humble man but I must say this is CRAZY!

The founders of the World Crypto Conference asked me who I was and why I was getting more attention than all the other speakers combined.

With the new website, mbot showing the legitimacy of the platform, we are bringing a lot of eyes and people excited about coming into the ARB platform. It is all coming together.

Recently, THE SON of Robert Pardo (Robert Pardo is credited in Wikipedia for INVENTING systematic computer trading in the 80's and best selling author) invested a small amount in ABOT. His name is Chris Pardo, and he is also the managing partner of a multi-billion dollar global private equity firm. He is ok with people knowing and is willing to give a testimonial on the legitimacy of the platform! This is huge! Could we have a better testimonial of ARB and the ABOT?

I am about to take the stage and I have never had such anticipation. I am SO excited to talk to the world about ARB and show what we have built.

Again I want to thank everyone involved. I love our community and so grateful for all of your support.

We have only just begun!

Thanks, David 

David Peterson

Security tip: Scam alert! Be cautious...There are malicious files being posted in Telegram chat groups which have a file name ending in .scrThese files are named in an interesting way such as ICO Review or Binance charts etc to encourage you to click on them. Please be cautious as there are reports that they contain an executable which will infect your computer with a keylogger or worm which may result in you being hacked and losing your holdings! Remember, never open an untrusted file and never click on unknown links.

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